The joy of Node-RED

Finding that visual languages suit me. I mean the Drag-n-Drop kind that looks pretty and you can program with one hand. Except for Scratch-based stuff. Bleh.

So if you don’t know what Node-RED is, I’ll tell you. If you create web content, you probably use Javascript, which runs on the browser. Node.js is a way of running JavaScript on the server, which is way better.

Node-RED is something some engineers at IBM (yes the home of HAL9000) thought up to make Node.js into a visual ‘flow-based’ programming environment. And it works soooooo good. It’s really neat.

It’s like 5AM and I’m past the insomnia stage. I’m heading to the sack. Next post is about how I pull UDP data off of WJST-X with Node-RED. More Ham Radio geekery.

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